Samsung 837X

Create your own world.

How do you ensure that a leading electronics brand makes a major splash at the most influential tech event in the world? You curate a space that transcends physical limitations and throw one hell of a party.

A new type of brand experience at the edge of technology and culture.

For CES 2022, we launched the biggest branded metaverse experience in the history of Decentraland, activating the brand's pillars through interactive games, NFT rewards, and unexpected worlds of adventure.


How do you reinvent Samsung 837, the center for brand experience in the Meatpacking district of NY, open it up to a much larger audience, and somehow deliver something unexpected that gets the world talking?


Our idea was to deliver a fresh take on Samsung 837, fusing in new technology and a path for greater audience inclusion, all through a first-of-its-kind, Web3 powered, metaverse experience. We created 837X, based in Decentraland, to gamify the core pillars of the brand: sustainability, connectivity, and customization. The resulting experience intersected the latest technology with art and Korean culture.


Scoring the largest brand takeover in Decentraland to date (done in 6 weeks btw!), this CES marked a bold milestone for Samsung. In just 24 hours, 19,000+ people experienced Samsung 837X and 54,000 NFTs were claimed, garnering 16,000 social media mentions. Within a week, the event earned more than a billion organic impressions. A whopping 98 percent of the buzz was positive!
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